Winners and Losers (2013)

Curbed Chairs paintings
Acrylic on Cardboard
various sizes
Fork Cue and Mop Arrow crush paintings
(After I make a piece, am so crushed out, I paint it again)
Acrylic on Cardboard
2013 (ish)
Some Games I have Played
(this piece is funnier than good)
Acrylic and compressed charcoal on cotton rag
Thanks For Playing
(Analog Losers in the Game that is our World Today)
Disassembled (book cutouts still available)
Thanks for Playing II
(altered engineering texts)
Sharpie marker on textbook
Crowns for Winners (found object crowns)
Left to right
King of Jester; Pink Modelo (sold); Ruler; Crown of Forks; Button Crown
Scribble Scrabble
(altered scrabble board and lid)
Acrylic, sharpie marker on cardboard

Winners and Losers are items I saw on the curb, found on the way to work, or systems/people that are obsolete.  I made spinners, crowns, paintings on cardboard, and drew on discarded scrabble games. (Individual objects available unmounted)

© Copyright Cliona Gunter 2019